Apple cider warmed and spiced, gathering together to share in the final harvest of the year before winter. These are moments that represent the fall equinox, a moment of equal light/day and dark/night. Nature begins to rest and darkness sets in as night grows longer.

This is the second harvest after Lammas (or Lughnasadh), the gathering of apples for cider and grapes for wine, gourds, squash, corn, and seeds for the spring. The central theme of this time is the sharing of the bounty of the harvest. This is the pagan Thanksgiving,  a time of gifts and blessings.

One of the symbols of this time is the Apple. If cut in half the seeds in the center form a pattern: a five pointed star in a circle. The apple tree is viewed as the Tree of Life. As apples fall to the ground, the descent to the Underworld begins and declining life occurs. The journey to the womb of the mother goddess takes place in preparation for a rebirth, when apples blossom once more at the spring equinox.

A time of introspection begins: what to harvest on social and emotional levels, and what to let go. This is also a time to recharge magical energies and draw new currents of elemental powers to work with in your life.

Magical Workings

Prosperity (water)
Take the root of yellow dock dried and ground to powder, steep in boiling water and drain. Take the tea and anoint doors of home and work areas to bring good luck and good fortune.

Protection (air)
Use ground and powdered Angelica root as incense to ward off evil and protect your home, workplace, and other areas.

Self-confidence (fire)
Burn a 4-in yellow or gold candle, anointed with Master oil and rolled in crushed master root powder. (A white candle may also be used)

Harmony and balance (earth)
Acquire a hematite stone or a piece of jewelry with hematite in it. Anoint it with blessing oil, blow upon it, sprinkle water on it, and place in a bowl of salt for a few hours. Carry upon your person.

These four workings can be done separately or you can create a fall altar with a russet or orange cloth. Arrange the yellow dock tea, powdered angelic root incense, candle, and amulet in the four quarters of air, fire, water, and earth, with gourds, corn, apples, and grapes in the center.

Light the sense and the candle and speak your gratitude for the gathered harvest of gifts and teachings acquired during the year. Sit in quiet and send your gratitude out while reflecting on your personal harvest.

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